
Origin Coffee – Brazil Mantiqueira de Minas

Country: Brazil
Region: Mantiqueira de Minas
Producer: Jose Wagner Ribeiro Junqueira and family, Serra de Tres Barras
Process: Natural
Variety:Yellow Bourbon
Crop Alt: 1100-1450 masl

The Junqueira family have been growing coffee for 8 generations. The cherries are picked by hand, pulped and dried on patios, drying is finished in a mechanical dryer to ensure uniform drying.

Notes: Brown Sugar, Cocoa and Floral, sweet and delicate coffee
Recommended: Espresso & Filter

Bag weight

1Kg, 500g, 250g

Type Of Grinding

Whole Bean, Moka / Italian, French press / Embolo, V60

Brazil Mantiqueira de Minas, Serra Tres Barras
9,00 36,00 
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